Monday, August 30, 2010

Lessons Learned Along The Way

Every student that studies abroad deals with the challenges of this experience in their own unique way. I knew that studying abroad would present many up's and down's and I am trying to take in the many changes that I've undergone in such a short period of time.

Today, I am sick again. The Green Leaf Stew I ate last night did not agree with me, and I was up all night tethered to a bathroom. That, and I got some news from a friend from home that disturbed me, so sleep was not forthcoming last night. Unfortunately, bathrooms on campus are few and far between, so in the meantime I fear leaving the dorm and having an "accident." I've popped some Imodium and am praying it kicks in before class begins.

All that to say is that this experience is teaching me to embrace uncertainity and change and being in situations that I have absolutely no control over and in which I cannot improve with my sheer Will or Might. Many of you who know me well, no that that is very difficult for me as I can be a bit of a control freak (just a bit, tee hee). So, I will hope that I'm feeling well enough to make it to class and if not, be o.k. with missing it. So, for this beautiful Monday morning, I'm knowing for myself that this entire experience is unfolding for my highest good.



  1. Denise,

    You are really a brave woman. I kenw you could do it and I bet you'll come home with all kinds of immunities :-). FYI My Mother has been really enjoying reading about your adventures but she couldn't figure out how to post a comment.

  2. Monica, thank you. That is so sweet of you to say. Most days I feel anything but brave. I'm glad your mom is enjoying reading the blog. I love blogging!!! She told me Lidya had her 5th birthday party. I can't believe your baby is 5 already. I've been checking your blog for birthday pictures. I miss you all and hanging out.
