Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

Yesterday was a down day for me. It would have been my grandmother's 86th birthday. Her Spirit is very much with me this year. Her name was Lucy Mae Patterson and everyone in my neighborhood called her Mama Lucy. I went into a store and on the counter for sale were cookies made by Mama Lucy. After class I went back to my dorm and reflected on how grateful I am that she raised me after my mother passed away. You don't really appreciate your parents until you are grown and realize how many sacrifices they made for you.

Another young man preached a sermon before my Anthropology class began yesterday. I really am getting used to the sermons now and I really liked this young man's topic. It was more metaphysical in nature and less of the fire and brimstone message that the others were relaying. In my other anthropology class the teacher was talking about evolution vs. creationism and he was saying that he very much believes in evolution being an anthropologist, but he believes that there is a God that started the whole ball rolling. I don't think I've ever had a teacher in any of my anthropology classes state their religious leanings before. Ghanaians are very religious and you see signs everywhere attesting to their belief in God. He went to school in the U.S. and is constantly regaling the students about life there and all the technological advancements that exist in America. One thing I like about him is that he always urges us to think and not to take anything at face value and critically analyze life. I'm learning quite a bit.

My foot is mending. In fact, it is not as difficult to walk on it. I went to the track for the past two days and walked slowly around on it. It is still a bit sore, but I can tell that it is on the mend. Found a Nurse's station at the mall the other day and went in to get my vitals checked. The good news is that I've lost 15 pounds since I've been here. The bad news is that I have another 50 to lose. She gave me some tips and I'm following them closely. Once I'm able to exercise again, the pounds should drop off.

Really bummed that I lost my ipod the other night when Latisha and I went out for dinner. I checked on a replacement here and it is going to be quite a bit to replace it. Apple does not ship outside the U.S. so I'll have to purchase one from here. I don't trust anyone to mail me one because I've heard that if the package has to go through the main post office, they can take months to notify you that it is here and often you'll have to pay a bride in order to get your packages. I also messed up the DVD player on my computer and now won't be able to watch any of the DVD's that I bought with me.

This whole experience is teaching me that God is the Source and Substance of my supply. I've been saying that for the past two decades, but being here has taught me the truth of these words. When everything around you is so radically different from everything you've ever experienced, you have to go deep and realize that your life is rooted in something beyond the physical. Then the foreignness of the whole experience, the stares, the cheating, and the misconceptions about you because you're American don't even bother you any longer. What a complete blessing to have this experience at this stage of my life. It is funny because in the U.S. I never felt old, but here everyone calls me Mother, offers to hold my packages and let me sit. While it is nice and I appreciate it, it is making me feel so old.

Other than that life is going along here. My friend Martin told me about the gym on campus, which is 20 cedi a month and I'm going to start going there. It is reggae night at the beach and he is insisting that I stop using my foot as an excuse and go, so we'll see.

Blessings All.

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