Monday, May 9, 2011

Rainy Days And Nights

The rainy season is in full swing. I have never in my life seen torrential rainstorms like I've seen here in Ghana. The lightening is so scary and it feels as if the sky is literally going to open up. I've only been caught out in it once and I had to seek cover at the security check point and wait until it let up before proceeding to my dorm.

You can smell the rain in the air right before a storm and it is preceded by gusts of wind that blows everything that isn't nailed down away. Usually it rains so hard that the hallways will start to flood and sometimes come under our dorm doors. The worst part for me is that the beautiful red clay earth turns to mud and you have to be very careful when out and about lest you fall and are a muddy mess.

The rain seems to be brining out all sorts of strange bugs and many of the students have reported an increase in the quantity and variety of bugs in their rooms since the season began. Unfortunately, there has also been an upsurge in the mosquito population, and they are literally driving me insane. Sleeping under the mosquito net is a must or the bugs will have quite the field day. Oh the joy!!!!!

So, in the meantime, finals started this past weekend and everyone is studying away. You can hardly get a seat in the study hall these days so I'm in my room with the music blaring and studying away. My first exam is on Wednesday. Wish me luck!!!!

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